All services at Rader and Dental clinic closed for the federal holiday.

Health Services

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Chlamydia infection is the most commonly reported disease in the United States. The infection which is usually asymptomatic can result in pelvic inflammatory disease, which is a major cause of infertility, ectopic pregnancy and chronic pelvic pain.

Gonorrhea is the second most commonly reported disease in the US. Gonorrhea can also cause pelvic inflammatory disease leading to infertility, ectopic pregnancy and chronic pelvic pain.

Trichomoniasis is caused by a protozoan sexually transmitted. Most men do not have symptoms. Women will have a malodorous, yellowish-green discharge with vulvar irritation.

Human papillomavirus can lead to anogenital cancers. There is an HPV vaccine which provides protection against types 6,11,16, and 18. Types 6 and 11 are associated with genital warts, while 16 and 18 are high-risk cancer types associated with anogenital cancers. Gardisil vaccine is provided for the ages between 9-27.

Herpes Simplex Virus is a incurable viral disease that can be recurring.

Syphilis is a genital ulcerative disease which can cause significant complications if untreated. Initial signs of infection are ulcers at infection site. Secondary infection include rash, lesions and third stage of infection can be heart, nerves, eyes, hearing and tissue. For more detailed information please click here.

Please click on the above link for the Center of Disease Control for further information and answers.

Contact Us


1-833-853-1392, Option 5, Option 2


Monday– Friday
7:30 a.m.– 4:00 p.m.
The clinic will be closed the first Wednesday of each month for training.


401 Carpenter Road
1ST Floor, Primary Care Clinic
Fort Myer, VA 22211

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